the rest of that week

IMG_2083I had left you all at Christmas day and so I thought I would post again, finishing off the week.

On Boxing day, we divided and conquered (6 of us, 3 in each car to 5 different stores) and ended up meeting at Oscar’s Art Books, one of our favorite places to shop.  They were having their annual boxing day sale with 50% off everything in the store.  Now that is a sale.  I had to write to them and tell them I think they are so great.  They really are.

December 27th was Rowan’s 22nd birthday and we spent the day making curry for an indian feast that night.  I mailed him a postcard to the farm that he will return to next week, so that he will have something to come home to.  It has been such a great thing to have him around, even if he does eat a lot.


On the 28th, Stefano bought me a new car!  After a lot of research, we went out to Surrey to a Mazda dealership and I left my darling Felix behind and came home with a 2012 Mazda 5.  Hot diggity!  Everyone we dealt with at the dealership was so great and I mailed them a postcard to let them know.


IMG_2088And today, I mailed a postcard to my friend Laura, in Victoria.  I have been trying to set aside some time to reply to her letter for over a week now, but for some reason or another, it hasn’t happened.  I just wanted to let her know it is on my mind as is she.

IMG_2089Well, the holiday season is winding down and I for one am feeling like I need a holiday.




the mail was on time, but the blog post was late


IMG_1941Well, despite getting all my mail done, I have been quite tardy in blogging about it.  I could make all the excuses about a busy time of year, blah, blah, blah and I know it would be understandable, but frankly, I just didn’t make the time to sit down at the computer for 15 minutes and tell everyone I was busy.  But I just did and now here I am.

Last Monday’s mail explains itself I believe.  Harvest Power is a company in Richmond that generates compost and has been trying to get into the urban farming market, selling to them.  They have been downright terrible at responding to my requests.  Maybe this will get their attention?

IMG_1944I am realizing as I write this blog, that I obviously didn’t change my date stamp for a few days of mail.  Last Tuesday, I sent a letter to Canada Post telling them what I think of their decision to reduce services and increase prices.  Not cool people, not cool.


IMG_1939On Wednesday, I mailed a postcard to Sears, telling them what I think about their advertising.  I am starting to feel like one of my parents with issues like this, but it doesn’t stop me.

IMG_1938IMG_1937On Thursday, I decided to thank the Driver Services office that I visited to renew my driver’s license.  They were so easy to deal with.  A real pleasant surprise!

IMG_1955I also got a Christmas card from my aunt and uncle in Edmonton on Thursday, filled with stamps that have been saved for me!  Excellent treat-thanks Heather!!

IMG_1967IMG_1969On Friday, I got mail from my friend and business partner, Esther.  Clothes pegs and a really thoughtful card.  Thanks Esther!  You are so great.

IMG_1974And on Friday, I mailed a postcard to my other aunt, Iris, to thank her for her package of Christmas gifts and for another beautiful tree decoration.  I realized this year just how many decorations she has given me over the years and my tree looks so much better because of it.

IMG_1972On Saturday, I mailed a postcard to my friend Thyrza to wish her a happy solstice and thank her for the work she gave me a little while ago.  She is incredibly talented and I love working with her in any capacity.

IMG_1976On Sunday, I mailed a postcard to the East Side craft house, a local liquor store to thank them for their great selection and generous natures.

On Monday, I sent a thank you to VanCity for being such a great bank, today, a card to Esther to thank her for her lovely gift and card and I also mailed something today for tomorrow.  A card for my husband, who has to put up with me being a little bit cranky and stressed out over the holidays and just keeps coming back for more.

Oh, and the Christmas cards have poured in after all-thanks everyone for your mail!!











friends and family

IMG_1878This week saw more Christmas cards going out, 5 in total, as well as two copies of Edible Vancouver and 2 postcards.  That makes 9 which is more than 7 days which is a good week right?





And I have to say that the amount of Christmas cards I have received this year, so far, is the lowest amount ever.  Is that because people don’t like me?  Because they are planning on sending me an email or text or Facebook message?  Or because they don’t love mail?



mostly Christmas cards


Last week I started by sending 2 cd’s of photos I took at a Bar Mitzvah the week before.  It was a paid gig and although I struggled with agreeing to do it, it ended up being a great night and I hope my photos reflected that.


IMG_1823On Tuesday, I mailed a postcard to Copies Plus, a copy center on West Broadway that I have been going to forever that always does a bang-up job of scaling down and copying the family portrait that Aylah draws every year.  They are so great at what they do and I don’t mind driving across the city at all.


IMG_1825On Wednesday, I let the good folks at the Granville Island Toy company know that my experience in their shop was awesome.  I know that this time of year can be stressful in retail, but these guys showed no signs of weariness.  In fact they were fun!  And friendly!  Hallelujah!

IMG_1829IMG_1830I got a Christmas card from my sponsored child in Kenya on Wednesday too.  I think often about stopping these donations as I am not sure I am keen on World Vision as an organization, but when I get a card like this, I know I will keep going.



On Thursday, I paid some bills.  Exciting right?



On Friday, I mailed all my international Christmas cards.  I figured that would give me a break on Saturday.  And it did.



And on Sunday, I mailed the rest of my Christmas cards-phew!  It always feels so good to mail those out.  There are a number of people who I really only touch base with at this time of year, but I am ok with that.  I really value low-maintenance friendships.

i’m back!

IMG_1751I started this week by mailing a card to my dear friend Shelley, along with a quote from a book I recently read.  I love this quote and thought it would be fridge worthy for her. Turns out I was right!  She texted me later in the week to say the quote was on her fridge.  Nice.

IMG_1768Next, to the guys at Midland Liquidators where I went to buy a new rain suit for farming.  I love that place!  They are about a million times more friendly and helpful than any retail store I have been in and their prices are ridiculously low.  And they are in my neighborhood.  Love the local shopping.

IMG_1789On Wednesday, I mailed a postcard to my friends in Squamish, Natalie and Warren.  The photo on the postcard reminded me of Natalie feeding her chickens.  I can totally see her doing something like this.

IMG_1791On Thursday, I let the Twisted Fork Bistro know how awesome they are.  Stefano and I went there with friends last week and were very impressed with their food, service and the sound dampening they have rigged up so you can actually have a good conversation without yelling.  Something most Vancouver restaurants don’t seem to care about.

IMG_1793Next to some friends in Calgary (my old boss and his wife actually, but they haven’t been that for a long time.  Now they are friends).  I met a couple at a party who bore an uncanny resemblance to them.  In fact, I kept having to remind myself not to call them Steve and Patti.  Weird.  So I had to touch base with them to tell them and let them know they are missed by me.

IMG_1794IMG_1795Then to my friend Goat man, aka Geoff, to get some more fridge magnet action happening for him and see if we wants to get together one day soon.  We miss him!

IMG_1796And today to some friends who hosted a fantastic party that we attended on Friday night.  We met some great people there, had brilliant conversations, danced a little, drank too much and went to bed feeling really tired and happy.  What a good life!

Today I made 30 Christmas cards that I will start preparing for mailing this coming week.  And Aylah made her famous family portrait that goes out to everyone as well.  You can look forward to a whole lotta sparkle over the next little while.