a break

I took a break from mail last week.  I realize this makes this 365 project not a 365 project anymore and although I felt guilty about it for about 4 days, I have moved on and am focusing on this week now.

It was a funny week.  Aylah was away with her dad for the week, which should have meant I had more time on my hands, but I filled it up and then some and ended up completely exhausted by the end of the week.  Silly rabbit.

Anyway, I am back at it this week and will post a blog about this week’s mail on Sunday.  Christmas cards are being made…..

another week of mail, sent and received

IMG_1671It was a good week for mail, despite all the busyness that seems to get in the way of it sometimes.  First, I mailed a cd to friends and farming mentors, Kareno and Kimi.  They traveled with us to Yakima last weekend and were interested in the band Deer Tick that played on my ipod on our travels.  So I made them a cd for their listening pleasure.

IMG_1670Then, I got the latest issue of the Royal Horticultural Society’s magazine from my brother, which showcased a flower that I will definitely be looking into growing next year- the nerine lily.  Thank you Simon!  I am so interested in what the UK is growing and devour the entire issue upon it’s arrival.

IMG_1672On Wednesday, I mailed a card to the Masumoto farm in Del Ray, California.  The father and daughter team were speakers at the conference in Yakima and they really inspired me to write more.  What better way to tell them than in writing?

IMG_1688On Thursday, I mailed a cd of the Zolas to my friend Sam, in Australia.  Stefano and I went to see them in concert and I was really impressed by what a great a band they are live.  Sam worked in the music industry for years and is a real audiophile and I thought she would enjoy them.

On Friday, I ordered a book to be mailed to my friend Natalie in Squamish, so while I did not create the mail, I paid for it and I figured that was good enough.

IMG_1689Yesterday, I wrote a looong letter to my friend Laura, in Victoria.  It was long overdue (her last letter arrived a month ago!) and I included an old cookbook that I had picked up a while ago for her.  We met while both our daughters were going to school together and the school’s name is Laura Secord so I thought the book was appropriate.  Some of the recipes are hilarious too!

IMG_1690And my mail today was to Blim, to thank them for letting Three Feet Below participate in their markets.  We had our last market with them today and it was our second best market overall!  Lots of people were really excited about what we are doing and were buying Christmas gifts for their loved ones from us.  How great is that?!

Like I said, it was a good week for mail.

almost perfect and mail received



This week started off with some really good mail.  I wrote a letter to Rowan on Monday and enclosed his latest issue of National Geographic and some other mail.  I saw Rowan quite a bit over the summer and now haven’t seen him for a couple of months and I miss him.  He will be home from Klipper’s Organic Acres mid December for a break and I hope he doesn’t mind if I sit next to him a lot.

Next, I wrote a letter to my brother and enclosed a book I read a number of years ago.  It is a brilliant book, but I really wanted him to read it because it is written by a Canadian about Vancouver, even if it is fictitious.  “Stanley Park” is the title as I notice you can’t see that in my photo.

IMG_1600Next came a lovely note in the mail from Char, a dear friend.  She really has a way with words and even though I see her and talk to her often, it sure was nice to get a very cool card from her.

IMG_1604 I mailed a card to another dear friend, Gretchen (remember the bakery I worked in earlier this year?  That’s her).  Every time I see Gretchen, we talk about getting together and to drive the point home, my card requested their presence at an outing of their choice.

IMG_1606Next was a happy housewarming card to another friend, followed by a 7 hour drive to Yakima, Washington for the Washington Tilth conference. I had fully intended to find a post office while in Yakima and mail something from there, but our schedule was grueling and I would have had to miss something or piss off everyone I was car-pooling with to make a detour and send mail.  So instead I forgot about mail for 2 days and enjoyed  the conference, which was really amazing.

Today, I mailed three pieces of mail to catch up!  One was to some friends in Seattle who I thought might like to connect with Seattle Tilth (and I had picked up one of their pamphlets at the conference to mail to them, so I really was still thinking about mail).

IMG_1651Another was to Washington Tilth to thank them for all their effort in putting on a tremendous conference.  I went with my two business partners and two of our mentors and we had such a good time.  I haven’t talked or laughed that much in a long time.

IMG_1652IMG_1653My last piece of mail today went to my little friend Ewan in response to his brilliant card that he mailed us (or rather his mom mailed to us) to thank him for his birthday gifts.  Seriously good parenting going on here folks.

IMG_1657IMG_1655So, all in all, it was a good week.  Now I have to get back to my seed catalogues that I picked up this weekend…..





new cards for a new week

IMG_1587This week I started the week by making a whole lotta cards.  With leaves I had found at the dog park and spray paint and speedball ink.  It was fun and I really like the results.  On Monday, I mailed a postcard to a friend that I ran into recently and was glad to see and wanted to tell her how much I am looking forward to seeing her again at an upcoming farming conference we will both be attending.

IMG_1589On Tuesday, I sent a card to Aylah, my daughter.  She continues to amaze me with her athletic prowess and I recently watched her in her first volleyball game and was impressed.  Really impressed.  As she is 11 going on 20, we don’t always see eye to eye and head butting has also become a favoured sport in our house.  I told her I loved watching her play volleyball and to keep up the good work!

IMG_1581On Wednesday, a card and cheque went out to good friends in Squamish who sold us some garlic scapes waaaay back in the summer and never got paid in full until now.   Natalie and Warren really are living the good life on their 10 acres of heaven.  My card was in response to a lovely thank you card from Natalie and invoice for said garlic scapes.

IMG_1583On Thursday I had a job interview with a lovely lady that owns a newly opened kitchen store/cooking school.  After a 2 hour meeting, she offered me a part-time job, use of her 6 burner stove for canning, an avenue to sell some of Three Feet Below’s wares and the chance to do some canning classes next year.  What a day that was!

IMG_1585Friday saw a lack of creativity, but a renewal to my Canadian Organic Growers membership.  Yipee!  What a joy it is to be able to access an amazing resource such as theirs.

IMG_1591On Saturday, I mailed a thank you to Chris (a teacher) and students of the Richmond Farm School where Three Feet Below taught a canning workshop on Friday.  They were a great class to teach for our first ever teaching experience and Chris was really swell to organize this for us.

And today I mailed a card to Rick Mercer.

