mail for my favorite boy


Today I mailed another care package to Rowan.  Some movies, some music and a letter.  I think he likes getting mail from his mom.  I hope so anyway because he is one of my favorite people in the world and I want to tell him often.

I have to tell you a story about Rowan that I hope won’t embarrass him.  Recently, Katie and Esther and I were travelling back from Penticton and stopped to see him on our way home.  We took him out for brunch and were talking about various things and he was telling us that he wants to go travelling to Mexico this winter with his good friend Che.  He is learning Spanish in his (limited) spare time and we remarked that he should be good to go for the winter.  His reply was “yeah, now I just have to learn to dance.  I just don’t know what to do with my hands!”  I haven’t been able to stop thinking of that problem and I am trying to take special notes on what I do with my hands when I dance.  Does anyone know of any Youtube videos that deal with this issue?